Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Jesus says: Build your Life on Rock, tune-in to Your OWN Soul Information (Radio Show: Master Jesus for ALL)

Jesus says: Build your Life on Rock, 
tune-in to Your OWN Soul Information 
(Radio Show: Master Jesus for ALL)
January 14, 2015
Host: Dr. Pat Baccili; Guest: Wendy R. Wolf
25 minutes
How do we find our path?
Who do we listen to?
On what do we build our life?

Jesus said we are blessed when we open to our own Soul Information directly from the Living God;
to live this Way is to build our lives on Rock.

This is how Jesus operated,
and what he implored us to do:

Each of us CAN continually open our own spiritual ears, eyes; trust ourselves and God ever more deeply;
and build our spiritual muscles to walk our own unique Way in this world.  

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