Monday, February 23, 2015

Jesus Shares the Keys to the Kingdom with Us: The Authority and the Tools to shift Heaven and Earth (Radio Show: Master Jesus for ALL)

Jesus Shares the Keys to the Kingdom with Us: 
The Authority and the Tools to shift Heaven and Earth 
(Radio Show: Master Jesus for ALL)
February 23, 2015
Host: Dr. Pat Baccili; Guest: Wendy R. Wolf
1 hour
Archimedes said,
if you have a solid place to stand (like a ROCK)
and lever long enough, you can move the world.

As spiritual beings in this world, moving our world is our privilege and our joy.
But, most of us don't know how.

So it can be game-changing for us to receive keys,
spiritual tools, to help us powerfully leverage our Spiritual Authority.

Jesus can show us the Way, he said,
"I will give to thee the keys of the kingdom of the heavens;
and whatsoever thou mayest bind upon the earth shall be bound in the heavens;
and whatsoever thou mayest loose on the earth shall be loosed in the heavens."

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