Monday, April 13, 2015

{Guest Post} Courage for my path of service

{Guest Post}

Jesus has given me an undeniable amount of courage for my path of service.

Matching him gives me peace and confidence that I believe he felt,
which allowed him to be so unwavering on his divine path and mission.

He is also quite goofy
and full of compliments,
very laid back.

{Guest Post - Lynn Brown}

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{Guest Post} A beautiful spiritual relationship

When I was a student of Wendy R Wolf I learnt to match. Matching is a process in which a meditator intentionally mirrors a high-consciousness spirit; their energetic channels, their chakras, etc. This creates an example for the humble meditator to follow. The benefit is that the meditator can find ease and a little extra gas in their tank shall we say to take the meditation to new heights. One of the spirits who I enjoy working with most is Jesus. For the last four years matching him has enriched my life in an ever evolving way.

Initially, I found this technique completely new and disorienting. I had no previous Christian affiliation, however I had grown up in a society that gave me certain perceptions of Jesus. These perceptions were less-than stellar. Fortunately I quickly overcame what mental obstacles I had to the task and opened up to a beautiful spiritual relationship that has helped me open new doors in my consciousness and my life in the “real-world.” What I find through matching Jesus is a personal and true knowing of who he is, and what he can and will bring into my life if I arrive asking for guidance.

This has been a wonderful development in my life, as now whenever I hear his name I know what and who he is. I won’t share what I have learned about him here, because this is a personal journey I never could have understood from reading about it on a blog. I'll just say that I’m grateful for this tremendously helpful and accessible tool which assists me to achieve my spiritual goals, and that I am happy to hear that it is becoming more accessible to more peace-seekers through this website and this teacher Wendy.

Light and peace to all on the path of goodness and health. 
(Guest Post - Ryan Glassmoyer}

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Wednesday, April 8, 2015

{Guest Post} I can't get enough!

{Guest Post - Danielle Peterson}

Working with Ascended Master Jesus has changed and shaped my spiritual journey.
Every time I match Jesus it invites in an energy that is unlike any other.

I can't get enough!

I love matching Jesus' Grounding and Centering.
Also, his Heart.

Matching Jesus is on one of the best gifts you can give yourself!

{Guest Post - Danielle Peterson}

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Tuesday, April 7, 2015

{Guest Post} Not superficial change

{Guest Post - Jessica Basista}

Working with the tools and Jesus has taught me much about myself.
Before I began using these tools,
I was deeply anxious, depressed, and generally unhappy with my life.

It was difficult to see the good, even when I was so obviously surrounded by it.
My voice was buried underneath all of the "shoulds" the "could haves"
and I carried around copious amounts of shame, guilt, and fear.

Jesus taught me to be with what is.

I still feel fear.
Using the tools learned, I feel like I have a better grasp on how to approach it.
Jesus taught me to speak to fear, look it in the eyes, and see what it wants.

Most of the time, for me, fear just wants to live.
The visual I see of this is a monster with an ever growing mouth,
and the need to consume.

Working with meditation, grounding, connecting with source, and being in neutrality,
I can see fear for the lie that it is in my space.
Fear is fueled by past voices - those of family, friends, foes, and society in general that have at times unconsciously programmed me to believe less of myself, causing suffering and pain.

There are many, many ways to be in the world,
and at times I believe we as humans forget.

We get stuck in ruts and patterns that no longer serve us.
We live along on auto pilot.
We can learn to let these patterns go, if we choose to.

Learning the tools has taught me about a new way to be in the world.
I believe the tools should be shared and taught to us as children
- as a proactive and positive way to interact with everyday situations and emotions.

Instead of masking and hiding how we feel, sometimes even to ourselves,
it could be beneficial to instill a sense of playful curiosity
around what sometimes seems like a serious subject.

The tools encourage and invite us to try on new ways of being,
to reinvent ourselves by observing deeply our own thoughts, actions, and behaviors
unencumbered by other peoples voices.

This is not superficial change.
It is transformative, real, and at times it can be intense.
This process is also beautiful, hard, shockingly insightful, and worth it.

{Guest Post - Jessica Basista}

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{Guest Post} Living successfully

 {Guest Post - Ruthann Rizzo}

Matching Jesus has become something I look forward to,
count on, and do quite often.

He is such a superior Master of energy that
I am awed constantly by the improvement in all aspects of my life.

I especially enjoy becoming more empowered in necessary ways
to negotiate living successfully,
and widening my ability to reach others with His light and love.

But, most of all, I am very often amazed by His sense of humor,
and His perspective on just about everything.
He can be a huge source of lightness and laughter for me.

So Be It!

{Guest Post - Ruthann Rizzo}

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{Guest Post) A most-faithful friend

{Guest Post - Jason Stutz)

After working with Wendy, Jesus went from a spiritual force that I worked with faithfully, yet indirectly,
to an energetically tangible companion who works with me as a most-faithful friend.

Instead of dreaming about my connection with Jesus, Wendy guided me to experience it in reality.

{Guest Post - Jason Stutz)

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{Guest Post} Glad to find that I was wrong

{Guest Post - Jessica Basista}

Ten years ago, I had a vivid and profound dream
in which I won a contest to speak directly with God in person.

In my dream, God was located across the world,
and I was asked to transverse landscapes which were confusing
- to travel through countries in which the inhabitants did not speak my language.

I did not know the customs,
I could not read the traffic signs, and
I certainly did not know where I was going or how I would get there.

I relied heavily on my intuition,
and at the end of a complex and long winded adventure,
I came to God's front door.

I hesitated, knocked, heard a boisterous voice shout "Come in!" and so I did.
There was intense light, encompassing love, and amusement.
I woke up to the sound of God laughing.

I assumed that this dream was a symbol of my life path,
and that the ending door was my death,
and only after would I be able to fully interact with God.

How glad I have been to find that I was wrong.

Interacting with Jesus through the inner tools taught by Wendy
has been a large part of my opening to the idea of
a currently accessible and knowable higher consciousness.

Through meditation, I'm beginning to see the spiritual connection
between living things, the earth, and God.

Each piece relies on the other.
Healing one piece heals all of the pieces.
In this way, our healing raises the vibration of the earth, ourselves, and the cosmos.

Way back in the day, Jesus lived on this earth as a human,
and yet, mirrored God.
We can also be this way.

Through the tools,
Jesus can show us how he connected to source, and the earth.

Each of us will experience this in a unique way,
in the way that each individual soul needs to experience it,
therefore there isn't a right or wrong answer.

Even silence is a gift.

Through this, we learn a new way of being.
This is not simply imitation.
This is integration.

With integration comes true change, growth, and healing.
You can deeply change and heal the world,
simply by raising your own conscious voice,
and by being yourself. 

{Guest Post - Jessica Basista}

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